Hoon, Luce and Sid meet at high school and discover they share the same birthday.
Other coincidences and strange happenings bond them together and lead them to discover their supernatural talents and the ability to flip between reality and fantasy worlds. Through a vortex of emotions and plot twists the three girls discover their true identities as reincarnations of Athena, Aphrodite and Artemis. Fighting mythological creatures and maintaining school grade, they divert adult suspicions and go after Ares, the God of War…

Feline, pretty, elegant and much sought after by the boys. She instinctively uses her seductive powers to get what she wants.
Possesses keen Intelligence and a vast store of culture (though how she got it, even she does not know) has a visceral passion for music, funny objects and books.
Loves action and always tries to solve problems as quickly and energetically as possible. Dreams of winning the fencing Olympics.